On May 21, Physician’s Weekly, along with Philomena Asante, MD, MPH, Jasmine Marcelin, MD, and Linda Girgis, MD, co-hosted a live, interactive tweetchat on racial/ethnic microaggressions.

Topics discussed were: situations in which an incident of microaggression due to race/ethnicity from patients, other colleagues, or support staff was handled well by a colleague or supervisor and what that individual specifically did or said that was effective, situations in which an incident of microaggression due to race/ethnicity from patients, other colleagues, or support staff was handled poorly by a colleague or supervisor and what that individual specifically did or said that was ineffective, and how victims of microaggression due to race/ethnicity would want a colleague or supervisor who witnesses the incident (the bystander)  to respond both in real time and after the incident.

Below are the highlights from the chat. You can read the full transcript here, by scrolling down to the corresponding responses.

Click here for a look at our #PWChat schedule and recaps.



Question 1



Question 2



Question 3
