This study states that Transcatheter Intracerebral Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) utilizing low yield power laser is a promising territory in AD treatment. The technique is pointed toward invigorating angiogenesis, reestablishing cerebral microcirculation, animating metabolic cycles and ATP digestion in neuronal mitochondria, animating neurogenesis and recovering cerebral tissues. The assessment included: CDR assurance, MMSE testing, CT, MRI with estimation of fleeting projection decay degree and assurance of dementia stage utilizing the Tomography Dementia Rating scale (TDR), cerebral scintigraphy (SG), rheoencephalography (REG), cerebral MUGA. An early follow‐up time of 6‐12 months. Test Group: every one of the 48 (100%) patients showed improvement in cerebral microcirculation and indications of cerebral fleeting flaps volume increment, which demonstrates neurogenesis and cerebral regenerative changes. The interaction was joined by clinical condition improvement, dementia decay, psychological and mental capacities rebuilding. Control Group: during the treatment, there was no steady improvement in the patients’ condition however an inclination to additional expansion in cerebral involutive changes, which was joined by dementia development, intellectual and mental disability. Transcatheter intracerebral PBMT is a promising, viable AD treatment. It reduces dementia, intellectual and mental issues, and permits improving the nature of patients’ life and reestablishing their every day action.

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