Color induction is the process in which the actual and perceived colors of an item differ due to the color distribution and spatial arrangement of the surrounding objects. Previous research on the lsY MacLeod–Boynton color space indicated that color assimilation occurs only when the magnocellular route (i.e., the Y-axis) is engaged (i.e., when there are luminance differences). For a study, researchers demonstrated that the impact was primarily produced by the koniocellular route (s axis) but not by the parvocellular pathway (l axis), implying that activating the magnocellular pathway inhibited the koniocellular pathway. They investigated whether parvo-, konio-, and magnocellular pathways can impact each other via the color induction effect in the paper. 

The findings revealed that color assimilation was governed by the interplay between luminance and chromatic channels rather than a chromatic–chromatic relationship (mainly the magno- and the koniocellular pathways). The findings also revealed that chromatic induction was considerably reduced when all three visual pathways were stimulated concurrently and that chromatic pathways impacted each other via the magnocellular (luminance) route. 

Furthermore, investigators found that chromatic channels can impact the luminance channel, resulting in a minor brightness induction. These findings indicated that color induction is a highly complicated process with unknown interactions across the various visual pathways that should be investigated further.
