The following are all actual journals that seem really interesting [with my comments in brackets]. If I only had more time …

1. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi – The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

2. Antioxidants & Redox Signaling

3. Archives of Budo [Look it up; I did.]

4. Cell Adhesion and Communication

5. Cell Communication and Adhesion [Yes, they are two different journals.]

6. Cell Stress & Chaperones [Who knew they needed chaperones?]

7. Cladistics [See Archives of Budo.]

8. Climacteric [Not exactly what you think.]

9. Compost Science & Utilization

10. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science

11. Hip International [Groovy. Dig it, baby.]

12. Hippocampus [A place of higher learning for these large animals.]

13. Hyperfine Interactions

14. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing

15. International Journal of Alternative Propulsion

16. International Journal of Metaheuristics [I never met a heuristic I didn’t like.]

17. International Journal of Nuclear Desalination

18. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage

19. International Journal of Water

20. Journal of Buon

21. Journal of Happiness Studies [!]

22. Journal of Nanophotonics

23. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior [No comment.]

24. Journal of Paleolimnology

25. Journal of Supercritical Fluids [Bad enough when they’re just critical, but supercritical?]

26. Journal of the Philosophy of Sport

27. Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

28. Journal of Turbulence

29. Lab on a Chip [A new hors d’oeuvre?]

30. Laterality

31. Menopause – The Journal of the North American Menopause Society [I once went to one of this society’s meetings. All day long half the audience said the room was too cold; the other half said the room was too hot.]

32. Metabolomics

33. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation [Can’t think of a better venue for that symposium.]

34. Phosphorus Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements

35. Positivity

36. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics

37. Schmerz

38. Sex Roles

39. Superlattices And Microstructures

40. Technometrics

41. Test

42. Tetrahedron Letters [Soon to be renamed Tetrahedron Emails or perhaps merged with the next journal on the list.]

43. Text & Talk

44. Travail Humain

What journals have you come across that have piqued your interest?

Skeptical Scalpel is a practicing surgeon and was a surgical department chairman and residency program director for many years. He is board-certified in general surgery and a surgical sub-specialty and has re-certified in both several times. For the last two years, he has been blogging at and tweeting as @SkepticScalpel. His blog has had more than 275,000 page views, and he has over 3,600 followers on Twitter.
