To evaluate the prophylactic benefits of lipid-based and non-lipid-based artificial tear lubricants, in dry eye disease, after adverse environmental exposure.
Twenty-eight participants with dry eye disease were recruited in a prospective, double-masked, randomised crossover trial. On separate days, participants were randomised to receive a single application of a lipid-containing tear supplement (Systane® Complete) to one eye, and a non-lipid containing eye drop (Systane® Ultra) to the contralateral eye. Participants were then exposed to a previously validated simulated adverse environment. Symptoms, non-invasive tear film break-up time, lipid layer grade, and tear meniscus height were assessed at three time points; baseline, following eye drop instillation, and after exposure to the adverse environment.
Both treatments effected improvements in symptoms and non-invasive tear film stability following instillation (all p < 0.05), although an improvement in lipid layer quality was limited to the lipid-containing tear supplement (p = 0.003). Although protective effects were conferred by both treatments following exposure to the simulated adverse environment, more favourable symptomology scores, non-invasive tear film stability, and lipid layer quality were observed in the lipid-containing tear supplement group (all p 0.05).
Both lipid and non-lipid based artificial tear supplement demonstrated prophylactic benefits against a simulated adverse environment. However, the ability to preserve tear film quality and reduce dry eye symptomology was greater with the lipid-containing eye drop.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Comparing the prophylactic action of lipid and non-lipid containing tear supplements in adverse environmental conditions: A randomised crossover trial.