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Public Health & Policy

Medical News Forecast for August 3-9

Expected FDA approvals, virtual meetings, workshops and town halls Lynne Peterson is the Senior Writer for Trends-in-Medicine.Allergy: The FDA is expected to make a decision by August 5 on a patch for peanut allergy in children...

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Medical News Forecast for July 20-26

FDA on tap for decisions in Emergency Ed, Oncology, and Sleep Medicine; Also upcoming virtual meetings, webinars. Here is the medical news to watch for July 20-26, 2020.Emergency Medicine: The FDA missed making a decision by...

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Medical News Forecast for July 13-19

Lots on the FDA docket, approvals, delays, virtual meetings Here is the medical news to watch for July 13-19, 2020.Dermatology: The FDA was expected to make a decision on a topical treatment for molluscum contagiosum (Verrica...

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Medical News Forecast for June 29-July 5

ESMO, FDA meetings and decisions Lynne Peterson is the Senior Writer for Trends-in-Medicine.Here is the medical news to watch for June 29-July 5, 2020. Take a break from the news — coronavirus and otherwise – and...

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Medical News Forecast for June 15-21

Virtual meetings continue, FDA convenes virtual ODAC meeting, several oncology drugs on tap for approval decisions Here is the medical news to watch for June 15-21, 2020. There is a lot going on in oncology, but several medical...

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AMA Adopts Anti-Racism Policy

Group once barred black physicians CHICAGO — When the American Medical Association convened its first meeting, the year was 1848, and the main item on the agenda was pain, or rather the use of anesthesia to relieve...

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Medical News Forecast for June 8-14

See this week’s virtual meeting line-up: ENDO, Dermatology, Diabetes, and more Lynne Peterson is the Senior Writer for Trends-in-Medicine.Here is the medical news to watch for June 8-14, 2020. Be careful and be safe....

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