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Orthopedics General

Melatonin And The Control of Intraocular Pressure

Oct 05, 2021

Melatonin is not only synthesized by the pineal gland but by several ocular structures. This natural indoleamine is of great importance for regulating several eye processes, among which pressure homeo...

Mystery Eye

Oct 05, 2021

This study tells us that Known to occur in widespread outbreaks, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) is a severe ocular surface infection with a strong historical association with human adenovirus (HA...

Beyond Intraocular Pressure

Oct 05, 2021

Glaucoma, an irreversible blinding condition affecting 3–4% adults aged above 40 years worldwide, is set to increase with a rapidly aging global population. Raised intraocular pressure (IOP) is a ma...

Spatiotemporal Changes

Oct 05, 2021

The ocular lens is a unique tissue that contains an age gradient of cells and proteins ranging from newly differentiated cells containing newly synthesized proteins to cells and proteins that are as o...

Contact lens-Related Corneal Infection

Oct 05, 2021

Contact lenses represent a widely utilized form of vision correction with more than 140 million wearers worldwide. Although generally well-tolerated, contact lenses can cause corneal infection (microb...

Interactions of The choroid

Oct 05, 2021

The three interacting components of the outer blood-retinal barrier are the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), choriocapillaris, and Bruch's membrane, the extracellular matrix that lies between them. A...

Evolution of The Genes Mediating

Oct 04, 2021

This paper reviews current knowledge of the evolution of the multiple genes encoding proteins that mediate the process of phototransduction in rod and cone photoreceptors of vertebrates. The approach ...

Recapitulating Developmental Mechanisms

Oct 04, 2021

Degeneration of specific retinal neurons in diseases like glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and retinitis pigmentosa is the leading cause of irreversible blindness. Currently, there is no th...

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Oct 04, 2021

Age-related diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), are of growing importance in a world where population ageing has become a dominant global trend. Although a wide variety of risk...

A Neuroglia-Based Interpretation

Oct 04, 2021

This study states that Neuroretinal rim thinning (NRR) is a characteristic glaucomatous optic disc change. However, the precise mechanism of the rim thinning has not been completely elucidated. This r...

Biochemical Mechanisms Of Aggregation

Oct 04, 2021

This study was performed to understand Transforming growth factor-β-induced protein (TGFBIp), an extracellular matrix protein, is the second most abundant protein in the corneal stroma. In this revie...

Exploring Choroidal angioarchitecture

Oct 04, 2021

This study states that The choroid is one of the most vascularized structures of the human body and plays an irreplaceable role in nourishing photoreceptors. As such, choroidal dysfunction is implicat...

Development of Tibia & Fibula Bone Deficits in Children With Neurofibromatosis Type I - A Longitudinal Case-Control Comparison.

Oct 04, 2021

Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is associated with lower bone mass and increased risk of fracture. Children with NF1 display faltering growth from mid-childhood. However, to date tibia bone development...

Application of differential evolution on elasticity measurement of low quality factor materials using FEM-based resonant ultrasound spectroscopy.

Oct 04, 2021

Finite element method based resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (FEM-based RUS) allows elasticity measurement for a material with high quality factor (Q) and arbitrary geometry by minimizing the differen...

Evaluation of risk factors associated with fragility fractures and recommendations to optimise bone health in children with long-term neurological condition.

Oct 04, 2021

The growing years are paramount for bone growth and mineral accrual. Children with long-term neurological condition (LTNC) have multiple risk factors for poor bone health and fragility fractures. In S...

Progress In Treating Inherited Retinal Diseases

Oct 01, 2021

Due to improved phenotyping and genetic characterization, the field of ‘incurable’ and ‘blinding’ inherited retinal diseases (IRDs) has moved substantially forward. Decades of ascertainment of...

Interpretation Of OCT And OCTA Images

Oct 01, 2021

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography (OCTA) have been a technological breakthrough in the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of many retinal diseases, thanks to its resolution and i...

Advances In The Diagnosis

Oct 01, 2021

This study states that The core mechanism of dry eye is the tear film instability. Tear film-oriented diagnosis (TFOD) is a concept to clarify the cause of tear film instability by tear film, and tear...

No Flow Through The Vitreous Humor

Oct 01, 2021

This study states that When analyzing vitreal drug delivery, or the pharmacological effects of drugs on intraocular pressure, or when interpreting outflow facility measurements, it is generally accept...

Iatrogenic Ophthalmic Artery

Oct 01, 2021

This study states that Iatrogenic ophthalmic artery occlusion (IOAO) is a rare but devastating ophthalmic disease that may cause sudden and permanent visual loss. Understanding the possible etiologic ...


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