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Myopic Maculopathy

This study explains how Myopia is a highly frequent ocular disorder worldwide and pathologic myopia is the 4th most common cause of irreversible blindness in developed countries. Pathologic myopia is especially common in East...

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Metabolomics In The Study Of Retinal Health

Metabolomics is the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the metabolites (small molecules < 1.5 kDa) in body fluids. The metabolites are the downstream of the genetic transcription and translation processes and also...

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Stemming Retinal Regeneration

Cell replacement therapy is a promising treatment for irreversible retinal cell death in diverse diseases, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Stargardt’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and glaucoma. These...

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Transplantation Of Photoreceptors

This study states that The mammalian retina displays no intrinsic regenerative capacities, therefore retinal degenerative diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) or retinitis pigmentosa (RP) result in a permanent...

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Wnt Signaling In Vascular Eye Diseases

The aim of this study is to determin The Wnt signaling pathway plays a pivotal role in vascular morphogenesis in various organs including the eye. Wnt ligands and receptors are key regulators of ocular angiogenesis both during...

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Posterior Staphyloma In Pathologic Myopia

A posterior staphyloma is an outpouching of a circumscribed region of the posterior fundus and has been considered a hallmark of pathologic myopia. Occurring in highly myopic eyes, it is histologically characterized by a...

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Immune Cells In The Retina

This study focuses on understanding In the eye immune defenses must take place in a plethora of differing microenvironments ranging from the corneal and conjunctival epithelia facing the external environment to the pigmented...

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Origin of Proteins In Human Drusen

This study has been performed so that to understand Retinal drusen formation is not only a clinical hallmark for the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) but also for other disorders, such as Alzheimer’s...

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Retinal Capillary Perfusion

This study states that The central role of the cardiovascular system is to maintain adequate capillary perfusion. The spatially and temporally heterogeneous nature of capillary perfusion has been reported in some organs....

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Retinal Oximetry

This study states that Retinal oximetry imaging of retinal blood vessels measures oxygen saturation of hemoglobin. The imaging technology is non-invasive and reproducible with remarkably low variability on test-retest studies...

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Biomechanics Of The Human Lens

The ability of the human lens to accommodate is mediated by the ciliary muscle and zonule; the manifest optical power changes depend on the shape and material properties of the lens. The latter are difficult to measure with...

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Corneal Pain And Experimental Model

This study defines that The cornea is a valuable tissue for studying peripheral sensory nerve structure and regeneration due to its avascularity, transparency, and dense innervation. Somatosensory innervation of the cornea...

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Reconsidering The Central Role

Mucins are key actors in tear film quality and tear film stability. Alteration of membrane-bound mucin expression on corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells and/or gel-forming mucin secretion by goblet cells (GCs) promotes in...

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Return Of Function After CNS Axon

This review addresses issues relating to the survival and axon regeneration of both intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) and αRGC, and possible ensuing patterns of functional recovery after optic nerve...

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Photoreceptor Cell Replacement

This study defines how The human retina fails to regenerate and cell-based therapies offer options for treatment of blinding retinal diseases, such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa. The last decade has witnessed...

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Cholinergic Nervous System

The cholinergic system has a crucial role to play in visual function. Although cholinergic drugs have been a focus of attention as glaucoma medications for reducing eye pressure, little is known about the potential modality for...

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