
Ophthalmology General

Perspective Change and External References Affect Visual Search Performance as an Embodied Process

Nov 11, 2022

In the lab, conventional visual search tasks often include finding targets in 2D displays with examples of things. Real-world visual search frequently involves non-perpendicular seeing of 3D objects i...

The Context Affects Saccade Suppression of Displacements

Nov 10, 2022

Saccades let the visual world move quickly across the retina, creating a strong motion sensation. But when people see things naturally, they never see motion caused by saccades. A brief decrease in vi...

One Exposure a Day is Sufficient for Improved General Compensation for Environmental Color Changes

Nov 10, 2022

Vision adjusts to the new visual environment to retain proper perception. The visual system may develop the ability to quickly adapt to frequent environmental changes through a process known as "visua...

In The Same-Different Task, Can Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Support Relational Reasoning?

Nov 10, 2022

A fundamental ability essential to abstract combinatorial cognition is same-different visual reasoning. Since deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) were tested for same-different classification a...

Suprathreshold Judgments Using Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Nov 09, 2022

From binary evaluations of triads and quadruples, perceptual scales have been generated using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The approach was based on Thurstone's notion of a stochastic percepti...

Taking Daily Objects Out of Focus and Forgetting Them

Nov 09, 2022

In a lab experiment known as directed forgetting, participants were directly cued to forget certain information and recall others. Clinical diseases have been studied using volitional control over mem...

Binocular Luster: A Simple Model

Nov 09, 2022

When the contrast polarity in the two input pictures is of opposite sign, the dichoptic combination of simple center-surround stimuli presenting a contrast difference between eyes can provide a glossy...

Reading Eye Movements Under Degraded Viewing Conditions: Background Luminance, Text Blur, And Text Contrast

Nov 08, 2022

Slow reading is a result of poor seeing circumstances brought on by visual impairments or natural settings. For a study, researchers comprehensively examined how deteriorated seeing circumstances in t...

Visual Search is Facilitated by Statistical Learning of Distractor Co-Occurrences

Nov 08, 2022

Knowing how the target and the distractions are related—including where the target is likely to be amid the distractions and how it varies from them—helps with visual search. It was less clear if ...

Intraocular Peak Pressure in Patients Under Fixed Combination Treatment of Bimatoprost/Timolol/Brimonidine Once Daily Vs. Twice Daily

Nov 07, 2022

Researchers compare the effects of once-daily and twice-daily administration of a triple-fixed combination of bimatoprost, brimonidine, and timolol, showing that once-daily administration results in a...

Visual Priming and Serial Dependence Involve Separate Mechanisms

Oct 28, 2022

Visual priming (the facilitation of reactions on repeated exposures of comparable stimuli) and serial reliance are simple indicators that the perceptual past impacts current perception (systematic bia...

Visual Exploration Determines Recollections of Complex Scenes

Oct 28, 2022

The visual recollections of intricate settings frequently resembled sturdy, accurate archives of the past. It has been shown in several studies that active exploration of a scene with eye movements en...

Object Motion perception during self-motion

Oct 28, 2022

The link between perceived heading direction and perceived motion of a self-moving item was examined by researchers for a study. Using a dual-task paradigm, they examined whether object motion judg...

Spatial Properties of Adaptation-Induced Distance Compression

Oct 28, 2022

A dynamic texture lowers the apparent distance between objects, changing the correspondence between the actual relationships in the environment and the neuronal representations of those relationships....

Working Memory and Perception Interact with Flexible Top-Down Control

Oct 28, 2022

Continuous sensory processing is frequently necessary for successful goal-directed activity, as is keeping task-related information in working memory (WM). Though there was evidence that WM and percep...

Motion Adaptation Enhances Acuity (But Not Perceived Size)

Oct 28, 2022

The optical, neurological, and visual cortical processing of the eye, as well as the minimal size of a high-contrast item that enables us to recognize it, all place limits on recognition acuity. Motio...

Visual Working Memory Is Modulated by Task Difficulty Rather Than Reward Method

Oct 28, 2022

To encourage people to prioritize particular things in visual working memory (VWM). Uncertainty existed over whether the task difficulty and reward mechanism were the main variables modulating the rew...

An Angle-Based Glaucoma Surgical Training Program On Human Eyes

Oct 26, 2022

In order to improve surgical training for angle-based glaucoma, human corneoscleral rims can be used as a low-cost model and resource. Studying the effects of a low-cost model for anterior chamber ang...

Comparing XEN Implants with Trabeculectomy and Phacoemulsification for Open Angle Glaucoma after 3 years

Oct 26, 2022

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the XEN45 implant in patients with open angle glaucoma (OAG) at 36 months, versus that of TRAB alone or in conjunction with phacoem...

A Myopic Normative Database for pRNFL Thickness Using OCT

Oct 17, 2022

The goal of this study was to determine changes in optical coherence tomography (OCT) color codes after applying a myopic normative database. The diagnostic performance of the retinal nerve fiber laye...