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Cardiology General

Cholesterol Goals & Gender Differences

Apr 26, 2016

Recently, several groups, including the Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII) and the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA), have released updated cholesterol treatment guid...

Conference Highlights: ACC.16

Apr 05, 2016

Cryoballoon Vs Radiofrequency Ablation for AF The Particulars: Evidence suggests that radiofrequency ablation is the most common form of catheter ablation for the treatment of drug-refractory parox...

Managing Atrial Fibrillation in Thoracic Surgery

Mar 15, 2016

Perioperative atrial fibrillation (AF) and flutter (POAF) is among the most common cardiac arrhythmias occurring in patients undergoing thoracic surgical procedures. POAF has been linked to longer ICU...

Managing Hypertension in CAD

Mar 15, 2016

Published studies have shown that there is a strong link between hypertension and coronary artery disease (CAD). Hypertension has been identified as is a major independent risk factor for the developm...

Assessing Gaps in Diabetes Care

Mar 15, 2016

The “cascade of care” concept is a relatively new approach to disease management in that it shows in visual form the number of people living with a condition and gaps in care for that disease. It ...

CVD: Social Determinants of Risks & Outcomes

Mar 15, 2016

Although mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the United States has been declining since the 1970s, the burden of the disease remains high, accounting for nearly 32% of all deaths in the U.S...

Medical School: Sex Differences & Academic Rank

Mar 15, 2016

According to current estimates, women now make up half of all graduates of medical schools in the United States. Despite this progress, studies suggest that sex disparities persist with regard to wome...

An Effective Strategy for Managing Obesity

Mar 11, 2016

According to published studies, obesity rates in the United States have climbed nearly 50% since 1997. One in three patients today is overweight, and one in three suffers from metabolic syndrome and h...

Informed Decisions on PCI

Mar 11, 2016

According to current estimates, about 10 million Americans have chronic stable angina, and many of these patients undergo elective PCI to improve symptoms of their disease in the near term. “While P...

Surgery, Readmission Destinations, & Mortality

Mar 08, 2016

Published research has shown that hospital readmissions are commonly needed to treat complications after patients undergo major surgery. Few studies have explored if patients have better outcomes when...

Diversity in the Physician Workforce

Mar 04, 2016

In the past several years, the goal for better diversification of the physician workforce in the United States has become increasingly important. Despite this need, few assessments overall have examin...

Guidance on Transcatheter Pulmonic Valve Replacement

Mar 04, 2016

Treatment for congenital heart disease (CHD) has advanced considerably over the years, allowing for more children with CHD to live into adulthood. Despite these advances, CHD patients may require addi...

A Q&A on EHRs & MI Care

Mar 03, 2016

A study published in Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes analyzed the link between electronic health record (EHR) use with quality of care and outcomes after acute myocardial infarction (...

Managing Congenital Heart Disease in Older Adults

Mar 03, 2016

According to published research, the number of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) has increased dramatically over the past few decades, with many people now living into the geriatric age range...

A Qualitative Look at AMI in Younger Women

Feb 05, 2016

Each year, more than 15,000 women younger than age 55 die from heart disease, ranking it among the leading causes of death in this age group. “Young women have twice the risk of dying during hospita...

The Current State of Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension

Feb 05, 2016

Research has shown that pulmonary hypertension is associated with substantial morbidity and mortality in children. Registry data from the United Kingdom and the Netherlands estimate an incidence of id...

Pneumonia & CVD: Making the Link

Feb 05, 2016

Studies have shown that patients with respiratory tract infections (RTIs) often have higher risk for cardiovascular events than those without RTIs. However, these studies have mostly assessed risk wit...

Smoking & PAD: Assessing the Costs

Feb 05, 2016

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases among adults in the United States. The risk for developing PAD increases as people age and are exposed to specific ath...

Cholesterol & Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Feb 05, 2016

Published research suggests that cholesterol levels commonly rise as people age and then decrease later in life. “Abnormal lipids are important risk factors that play a critical role in the developm...

Non-Cardiac Surgery Risks After Stenting

Jan 19, 2016

Studies have shown that patients who have recently received a coronary stent and later undergo non-cardiac surgery are at higher risk for adverse cardiac events. “This is partly due to a combination...