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Cardiology General

Heart Failure on the Rise; Cardiovascular Diseases Remain Leading Killer

Jan 27, 2017

Heart disease and stroke are still the leading two killers in the world; in the U.S. The number of adults living with heart failure increased from about 5.7 million (2009-2012) to about 6.5 million (...

Burnout & Satisfaction: Examining Trends

Jan 26, 2017

Burnout has been defined as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and feelings of ineffectiveness. “Burnout has profound implications for physicians, patients, and their families,�...

Obesity & Orthopedic Trauma

Jan 25, 2017

Studies have shown that the prevalence of obesity in the United States has increased substantially over the past 2 decades. Obesity is associated with many other disease processes and comorbidities t...

17 Million U.S. Adults May Have Tough-to-Spot High Blood Pressure

Jan 24, 2017

'Masked' hypertension doesn't show up in a doctor's office, so home monitoring is needed, researchers say. A new study suggests that 17 million American adults may have what doctors call "masked" hyp...

An Effective Emergency PCI Protocol

Jan 23, 2017

According to recent estimates, about 250,000 people in the United States suffer a ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), which is the most severe type of heart attack. For these types of ...

Report Highlights National Trends in Heart Disease Treatments

Jan 23, 2017

Data show registries are advancing effectiveness and safety of patient care. Over 93 percent of heart attack patients are receiving stents within the guideline-recommended threshold of 90 minut...

Personalized Treatment for Those in Blood Pressure 'Gray Zone'

Jan 23, 2017

Using heart CT scans can help personalize treatment in patients whose blood pressure is just above normal or mild high blood pressure. The scans detect levels of calcium in the heart's arteries, and ...

Opioid Treatment Programs & Older Adults

Jan 19, 2017

Few studies have examined substance use among older adults, especially among those who need substance abuse treatment. This is a vulnerable patient population that may put increasing demands and costs...

Soft Robotic Sleeve Helps the Heart Beat

Jan 19, 2017

The device attaches directly around the heart. Harvard University and Boston Children’s Hospital researchers have developed a customizable soft robot that fits around a heart and helps it beat, pot...

Maternal Blood Pressure Before Pregnancy May be Related to Babies' Sex

Jan 18, 2017

American Journal of Hypertension suggests blood pressure could determine if you will have a boy or girl. The possibility of predicting the sex of the baby in early pregnancy has long been a topic of ...

Millions of People with Metabolic Syndrome May Need More Vitamin E

Jan 18, 2017

Surveys estimate that 92% of men, 96% of women in the U.S. fail to get an adequate daily intake of vitamin E. New research has shown that people with metabolic syndrome need significantly more vitami...

Experts Urge for Wider Prescription of Statins in Treatment and Prevention

Jan 18, 2017

The link to diabetes is questionable and inconsequential. World-renowned researchers from the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University as well as Harvard Medical School a...

Recent Trends in Triglycerides

Jan 18, 2017

Studies have shown that elevated triglyceride levels can increase risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke, and premature cardiovascular death. The American Heart Association also notes that hig...

Wearable Biosensors Can Flag Illness, Lyme Disease, Risk for Diabetes

Jan 17, 2017

A new study reveals your smart watch can detect when you’re getting sick. Stanford researchers found that smart watches and other personal biosensor devices can help flag when people have colds and...

How Stress May Increase Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

Jan 13, 2017

Heightened activity in the amygdala is associated with a greater risk of heart disease and stroke. While more research and larger studies are needed to confirm the mechanism, the researchers suggest ...

Infographic: Best & Worst Cities for an Active Lifestyle

Jan 06, 2017

With “lose weight and get fit” being both the most popular and most commonly broken New Year’s resolution, and the level of inactivity among Americans aged 6 and older decreasing from 28.3% in 2...

Public Unaware of Alarming Levels of High Blood Pressure

Jan 05, 2017

Study: 50% of Canadians unaware they suffer from hypertension. A new study published in the American Journal of Hypertension focuses on the "silent" nature of hypertension (high blood pressure) and s...

Shoulder pain linked to increased heart disease risk

Dec 28, 2016

After all the lifting, hauling and wrapping, worn out gift givers may blame the season's physical strain for any shoulder soreness they are feeling. It turns out there could be another reason. A new s...

HIV Patients Have Nearly Twice the Heart Attack Risk

Dec 23, 2016

Current methods to predict the risk of heart attack and stroke vastly underestimate the risk in individuals with HIV, which is nearly double that of the general population, reports a new Northwestern ...

Bariatric Surgery & Mental Health

Dec 20, 2016

Bariatric surgery is recognized as a viable option to promote weight loss and to treat obesity-related comorbidities among the severely obese. “While bariatric surgery is increasingly being used wit...