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Recognizing & Treating Caregiver Burden

Aug 08, 2014

Research has shown that unpaid family or informal caregivers provide as much as 90% of the in-home long-term care that is needed by adults. A 2009 study estimated that 65.7 million people in the Unite...

Managing Cognitive Decline in Older Adults With Diabetes

Feb 14, 2013

This Physician’s Weekly feature on managing cognitive decline in older adults with diabetes was completed in cooperation with the experts at the American Diabetes Association. More than 25% of Am...

Delirium Among Hospitalized AD Patients: The Long-Term Impact

Feb 11, 2013

Recent studies show that patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) who are hospitalized are at increased risk for further cognitive decline, institutionalization, and death in the year following their ...

Managing Delirium Among Elderly Patients in the ED

Jan 15, 2013

National estimates demonstrate that elderly patients are increasingly presenting for care at EDs throughout the United States each year, and by current projections, this trend is expected to increase ...

An Innovative Model for Dementia Care

Sep 19, 2011

The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that about 5.3 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. Within this group, roughly eight of 10 people have dementia but live outside of nursing homes. Many...

Will a Drink a Day Keep Dementia Away?

Sep 12, 2011

Light to moderate drinking—be it of beer, wine, or spirits—seems to reduce the risk for dementia and cognitive decline, according to a study recently released in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treat...

The Diabetes Type 3 Enigma: Can Alzheimer’s Drug Help?

Mar 22, 2011

Diabetes Type 3—a “brain specific” disease—is far from understood and very much uncharted territory in the medical community. Diagnosis and treatment strategies remain in the early stages, and...


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