Catatonic stupor has been linked to extreme fear. Whether the underlying phenomenology of every catatonic dimension is intense anxiety or fear remains unknown.
106 patients aged ≥64 years were assessed for catatonia and clinical variables during the first 24h of admission. Two-sample t-test were used to test for group differences. A principal component analysis was developed. Analysis of variance was performed to assess for differences in the diagnostic groups. Correlation coefficients were used to examine the association between catatonic dimensions and psychopathological variables.
There were statistically significant differences between catatonic and non-catatonic patients in the Hamilton and NPI scores. The three factor-model accounted for 52.23% of the variance. Factor 1 loaded on items concerned with “excitement”, factor 2 on “inhibition” items, and factor 3 on “parakinetic” items. There was a significant effect for factor 1 (F (5.36)=2.83, p=0.02), and not significant for factor 2 and factor 3. Compared with patients with depression, patients with mania scored significantly higher on factor “excitement” (p<0.05). Factor 2 showed a moderate correlation with Hamilton total score (r=0.346, p=0.031) and Hamilton psychic score (r=0.380, p=0.017).
Catatonic patients experienced more anxiety and hyperactivity. A three-factor solution provided best fit for catatonic symptoms. Patients with mania scored highest on Excitement, patients with depression on Inhibition, and patients with schizophrenia on Parakinetic. The main finding in this study was a positive moderate correlation between the Hamilton psychic score and the Inhibition factor score, meaning that not every catatonic dimension is associated to intense anxiety. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Catatonia in elderly psychiatric inpatients is not always associated with intense anxiety: factor analysis and correlation with psychopathology.