Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer represent the two main causes of death in industrialised countries. Both share common risk factors (diabetes, obesity, hypertension, diet, smoking, etc.). The associated timing of CVD and cancer onset is thus largely influenced by modifiable risk factors. Advances in cancer treatment have extended the lives of patients with cancer, but for some at the cost of adverse cardiovascular events. The rapidly growing number of patients surviving cancer, often in the setting of advanced age, new or pre-existing CV disease and risk factors, the management of these patients has become the concern of experts in cardio-oncology. The goal of cardio-oncology is to provide optimal care for patients with cancer and/or at risk of cardiovascular disease. To date, no specific cardio-oncology teaching programme is available in Belgium. The present paper reports the results of the Belgian Society of Cardiology (BSC) survey on cardio-oncology. The vast majority of respondents (154/159, 97%) are in favour of organising courses or educational meetings on cardio-oncology. A dedicated cardio-oncology clinic was present in only 40% of the hospitals that participated in the survey. Compared to the data collected by the European Society of Cardiology, the number of respondents considering themselves as experts in the management of left ventricular dysfunction or atrial fibrillation complicating cancer treatment was much lower in Belgium (11% vs. 30%).