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Author: SkepticalScalpel

Does Lowering Speed Limits Save Lives?

New York’s mayor signed into law lowering the speed limit in the city from 30 mph to 25 mph, assuming that this would result in fewer car crashes and pedestrian casualties. The change took place on November 7th. The city...

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Publishing Ratings for Airline Pilots?

CHICAGO—Airline pilots should be rated by their passengers, says a prominent doctor group. The National Association of Doctors (NAD) feels that pilots should be judged on such metrics as friendliness, communication skills, and...

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Gladwell: Any College Grad Can Be a Cardiac Surgeon

For those who have ever wondered if Malcolm Gladwell is nuts, wonder no more. “I honestly think that…the overwhelming majority of college grads, given the opportunity, could be better-than-average cardiac surgeons,”...

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A Closer Look at Medicare’s Doctor Payment Data

Journalists have had a good time with the Medicare data on payments to doctors. The most recent exposé is headlined “Taxpayers face big Medicare tab for unusual doctor billings” by the Wall Street Journal. Because of...

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I’m Thirsty. What Should I Drink?

Let’s look at a few choices. Diet soda? There have always been questions about the possible negative effects of diet soda and sugar substitutes. A paper, “Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering...

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What is Professionalism?

A while ago, I wrote about a medical student whose school tried to dismiss him just prior to graduation for unprofessional behavior. A judge ruled that the school could not do so because it had tolerated some similar behavior...

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Attack of The Scribes

The emergence of the electronic medical record (EMR) has spawned a new occupation—the scribe. A scribe is someone who accompanies a physician and documents the interchange between the doctor and patient. This enables the doctor...

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Do More Hospital Resources Equal Better Care?

It would appear that this is true for surgical patients. A study from England found that mortality rates for patients admitted with high-risk general surgery diagnoses were significantly lower in National Health Service Trust...

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Expelling a Med Student for Unprofessional Behavior?

A few weeks before graduation, a medical school tried to expel one of its students on the basis of unprofessional behavior. What happened? According to, a US District Court judge ruled that the student could not be...

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The UK 48-hour Trainee Work Week Is a Sham

“NHS junior doctors have little time to eat or sleep.” Said the headline of an article from the Herald in Edinburgh, Scotland. It described a NHS (National Health Service) manual—no longer posted on the...

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