
Author: Janine Anthes

MedPAC Supports SGR Pay Formula Repeal

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) has officially endorsed the repeal of the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula, which determines physician payments from Medicare, in hopes of replacing it with a 10-year fixed...

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The Impact of Body Language on Health Exams

What messages are you unwittingly conveying to your patients through nonverbal cues, and what cues are they sending to you that you may be missing? A recent study in this month’s issue of Journal of Evaluation in Clinical...

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Medical School Debt Includes a Pile of Worries

Some residents appear to pay a high price to become a doctor—and that’s in addition to the cost of education. Suboptimal quality of life and symptoms of burnout are associated with educational debt among residents, according to...

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Smartphones: Clinical Communication Pal or Pest?

A recent analysis in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that the use of smartphones for clinical communication increased efficiency among physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals compared with the use of...

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11 Best and Worst Paying Jobs for Doctors

Salary figures recently released by Forbes may discourage medical students who are in debt up to their eyeballs from becoming pediatricians or family practitioners, who typically earn around $180,000 a year. While that figure...

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Obesity “Master” Regulator Gene Found?

Researchers from London claim to have identified a master regulator gene that causes obesity, is linked to diabetes and cholesterol, and controls the behavior of distant genes existing inside fat cells. This discovery may...

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Doctors Unwilling to Pay for Unbiased CME

Although most doctors feel that funding from the healthcare industry may bias continuing medical education (CME), a report published this week found that they don’t appear to be willing to pay for impartial information....

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