
Author: Janine Anthes

Nursing Shortage? Mmm, Maybe Not

While the retiring baby-boomer nurses have warned of a dangerous nursing shortage, the number of full-time registered nurses aged 23 to 26 increased by 62% between 2002 and 2009, according to this month’s Health Affairs. At...

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Report Predicts Top 4 EHR Vendors

A new report released by IDC Health Insights names four EHR vendors as likely market leaders in the future. The market is expected to move from less than 25% adoption in 2009 to more than 80% adoption by 2016, primarily due to...

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Diabetics ‘Tearing Up’ Over New Test

There may be new hope for patients with diabetes who dread the frequent blood draws and finger pricks required to monitor their blood glucose levels. A new electrochemical sensor device may be able to measure blood sugar levels...

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