The aim: To investigate theimpact of asthma co-morbidity on the susceptibility and clinical course of COVID-19 in asthma patients.
Materials and methods: Electronic databases of Pubmed and Google Scholar were searched using keyword searches.
Conclusions: Despite previous concerns about the increased risk of Covid-19 among asthmatics, most studies have not shown an increase in Covid-19 incidence among asthmatics compared to the general population. A large number of studies that have investigate the role of concomitant asthma in the susceptibility and severity of COVID-19, show conflicting results and indicate numerous factors that may affect these processes, so there is a need for large-scale studies to adjust the result to concomitant factors, which will assess the true impact of asthma on susceptibility and severity of COVID-19. Based on the recommendations of GINA 2020 regarding the management of asthma patients under Covid-19, potential protective effects of asthma therapy and the high risk of exacerbations when discontinuing basic therapy, we consider it appropriate to continue taking asthma patients therapy of asthma during a pandemic.
