The aim of this study is to The back urethral diverticulum is a typical urologic difficulty requiring reoperations in anorectal abnormality cases (ARM). We present a progression of 24 instances of male ARM oversaw without ligation of fistula.

An imminent report was directed between July 2010 and June 2012 incorporating male children with ARM, where rectobladder neck and rectoprostatic fistula were drawn nearer by the stomach course. The fistulous lot was taken apart to the distal-most conceivable length and was extracted flush with the urethra without its ligation. A for every urethral catheter was put in situ. A record was made of any highlights of urinary hole and a micturating cystourethrogram was performed at the 1-year of follow-up.

24 instances of ARM, 16 with rectobladder neck fistula and eight cases with rectoprostatic fistula were incorporated. Of these, 12 had single-stage essential abdominoperineal get through and 10 were overseen by essential back sagittal anorectoplasty. Two cases with colostomy during the neonatal period were overseen by laparoscopic helped anorectoplasty at a half year. None of the cases had a urinary break during the postoperative period. All had an ordinary micturating cystourethrogram at 1 year.

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