Recommended time to start administration of first dose antibiotics for sepsis patients is 60 minutes from time 0. Institution-specific data revealed that only one-quarter of severe sepsis patients were meeting this goal when measured from the time of provider order entry. Reliance on a pneumatic tube system for first-dose antibiotic delivery was deemed largely responsible for this finding. This project aimed to increase the percentage of pediatric intensive care unit patients with severe sepsis receiving first dose antibiotics within 60 minutes of provider order entry to ≥50%.
Baseline data were collected from May to June 2018 and resulted in the development of a new “antibiotic champion” process, which we piloted for 1 week in early August 2018. The primary outcome measure was the cumulative percentage of patients meeting the 60-minute goal as measured from provider order entry to start of antibiotic administration. A key secondary endpoint was the median time in minutes from provider order entry to antibiotic administration.
We included 14 patients in baseline data analysis and 16 patients in the pilot. The overall percentage of patients receiving antibiotics within 60 minutes of order entry increased from 29% to 75% (-value: 0.026). The median time from provider order entry to antibiotic administration decreased by 36.5 minutes [baseline: 84.5 (range 58.8-117) versus pilot 48 (range 32-65), -value: 0.0017].
The antibiotic champion process significantly increased the total percentage of severe sepsis patients meeting the 60-minute goal and decreased the median time to first-dose antibiotic administration for pediatric intensive care unit patients.
Copyright © 2020 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
A Quality Improvement Project Focused on Improving First Dose Antibiotic Timeliness for Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Patients with Severe Sepsis.