Although data support the successful use of omalizumab as a supplementary therapy to improve asthma control in children older than 6 with moderate or severe persistent allergic asthma, the effectiveness of this agent in children and adolescents with uncontrolled allergic asthma is less well known. For a small study, researchers assessed the effectiveness of therapy, asthma control, quality of life, exacerbation rate, and corticosteroid use at 16, 52, and 104 weeks of omalizumab treatment in patients aged 8-16. Treatment response was considered excellent in 47% of patients and good in 35%. Participants also experienced a statistically significant decrease in oral corticosteroid and leukotriene receptor antagonist use. The mean asthma control questionnaire value decreased from 2.10 to 0.84 points, and the mean mini asthma quality of life questionnaire outcome increased from 4.37 to 6.10 points, while the mean number of exacerbations decreased from 5.59 to 0.53 per year.