Fragrances can cause general health issues, and special concerns exist surrounding the issue of skin safety. Cinnamyl alcohol (CAL) is a frequent fragrance contact allergen that has various toxic effects on indiscriminate animals. Herein, the photodegradation transformation mechanism of CAL and toxicity evolution during this process was examined. Results showed that CAL (50 μM) can be completely degraded after 90 min UV irradiation with a degradation rate of 0.086 min . Increased toxicity on bioluminescent bacteria was observed during this process, with lethality increasing from 10.6% (0 min) to 50.2% (90 min) under UV light irradiation. Further, photodegradation mechanisms of CAL were explored to find the reason behind the increased toxicity observed. Laser flash photolysis and quenching experiments showed that O , O , and OH were mainly responsible for CAL photodegradation, together with CAL and e . The five main photodegradation products were cinnamyl aldehyde, benzaldehyde, benzenepropanal, cinnamic acid, and toluene, as identified using GC-MS and LC-Q-TOF/MS. Once exposed to air, CAL was found to be easily oxidized to cinnamyl aldehyde and subsequently to cinnamic acid by O or O – mediated pathways, leading to increased toxicity. Benzaldehyde exhibited bioreactive toxicity, increasing the toxicity through OH- mediated pathways. Theoretical prediction of skin irritation indicated that cinnamyl aldehyde (0.83), benzenepropanal (0.69), cinnamyl aldehyde (0.69), and benzaldehyde (0.70) were higher than CAL (0.63), which may cause a profound impact on an individual’s health and well-being. Overall, this study advances the understanding of the photodegradation processes and health impacts of fragrance ingredients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
