Men’s maternity care involvement is recognized as a critical strategy in improving maternal health and accelerating maternal mortality reduction. This study investigated the factors determining men’s involvement in maternity care in Dodoma Region, Central Tanzania.
This cross-sectional survey used multistage sampling in four Dodoma Region districts to select 966 married men participants. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was carried out in SPSS version 21.0 to measure the determinants of men’s involvement in maternity care.
The study found that only 1 in 5 men were involved in the maternity care of their partners. Factors found to determine men’s involvement in maternity care were having >4 children, the urban area of residence, waiting time >1 hour at the health care facility, limited access to information, and little spousal communication.
Long waiting time to receive the service and limited access to information regarding men’s involvement are associated with low men’s maternity care involvement. Male-friendly maternity care should recognize men’s preferences on timely access to services and provide them with relevant information on maternity care roles. Spousal communication is essential; Health professionals must empower mothers with pertinent information to communicate to their male partners regarding fertility preferences and maternity care in general.