The MMR is one of the leading worldwide public health challenges. Presently, the high levels of MMR are a common problem globally, especially in developing countries. South Sudan is one of the developing countries which has the highest MMR. Thus, this paper deploys statistical analysis to identify the significant physiological causes of MMR in South Sudan. The statistical analysis indicates that reducing hemorrhaging by 1.91% per year would reduce MMR by 1.91%, reducing unsafe abortion by 0.49% per year would reduce MMR by 0.49%. The results indicate that MMR’s most influential predictors are; hemorrhaging, sepsis, obstructed labor, unsafe abortion, and indirect causes such as anemia, malaria, and HIV/AIDs. The results also show that to obtain the UN recommended MMR levels of minimum 21 and maximum 42 by 2030, the Government and other stakeholders should simultaneously reduce hemorrhaging from the current value of 62 to 33.38 and 16.69 unsafe abortion from the present value of 16 to 8.62 and 4.31. The model with 92.68% can predict MMR with a mean error of −0.42329 and SE-mean of 0.02268. The yearly optimal hemorrhage level, unsafe abortion, and MMR can aid the government and other stakeholders in resource allocation to reduce maternal death.