Obstetric caregivers’ use of the partograph during labor has paramount importance in identifying any deviation during delivery. Even though partograph use is influenced by different factors as obtained from the kinds of literature, the magnitude of partograph utilization and the factors associated with its use are not well determined in the health facilities of Wolaita Zone.
Researchers conducted this study to assess the importance of partograph utilization and factors that affect its utilization among obstetric caregivers in public health facilities of Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia, 2017.
A total of 269 obstetric caregivers participated in the study. Among those who were utilizing the partograph, 193 routinely used it for all laboring mothers, and 76 of the participants reported that they do not routinely utilize it. A more significant number of service years, on-the-job training, good knowledge, and favorable attitude towards partograph utilization were significantly associated with partograph utilization.
The study concluded that Partograph utilization among obstetric caregivers in the public health facilities was good. More great years of work experience, in-service training, having good knowledge, and a favorable attitude towards partograph utilization among obstetric caregivers independently determined partograph utilization.
Reference: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jp/2020/3631808/