Thrombo-inflammation describes the complex interplay between blood coagulation and inflammation that plays a critical role in cardiovascular diseases. The third Maastricht Consensus Conference on Thrombosis assembled basic, translational, and clinical scientists to discuss the origin and potential consequences of thrombo-inflammation in the etiology, diagnostics, and management of patients with cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. This article presents a state-of-the-art reflection of expert opinions and consensus recommendations regarding the following topics: (1) challenges of the endothelial cell barrier; (2) circulating cells and thrombo-inflammation, focused on platelets, neutrophils, and neutrophil extracellular traps; (3) procoagulant mechanisms; (4) arterial vascular changes in atherogenesis; attenuating atherosclerosis and ischemia/reperfusion injury; (5) management of patients with arterial vascular disease; and (6) pathogenesis of venous thrombosis and late consequences of venous thromboembolism.Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.
About The Expert
Elisa d’Alessandro
Christian Becker
Wolfgang Bergmeier
Christoph Bode
Joshua H Bourne
Helena Brown
Harry R Buller
Arina J Ten Cate-Hoek
Vincent Ten Cate
Yvonne J M van Cauteren
Yam F H Cheung
Audrey Cleuren
Danielle Coenen
Harry J G M Crijns
Ilaria de Simone
Sophie C Dolleman
Christine Espinola Klein
Delia I Fernandez
Lianne Granneman
Arnoud van T Hof
Peter Henke
Yvonne M C Henskens
Jingnan Huang
Lisa K Jennings
Natalie Jooss
Mieke Karel
Danique van den Kerkhof
Frederik A Klok
Bram Kremers
Bernhard Lämmle
Avi Leader
Annika Lundstrom
Nigel Mackman
Pier M Mannucci
Zahra Maqsood
Paola E J van der Meijden
Marc van Moorsel
Luis A Moran
John Morser
Manouk van Mourik
Stefano Navarro
Raluca A I Neagoe
Renske H Olie
Pauline van Paridon
Jens Posma
Isabella Provenzale
Pieter H Reitsma
Billy Scaf
Leon Schurgers
Jaap Seelig
Agneta Siegbahn
Bob Siegerink
Oliver Soehnlein
Eva Maria Soriano
Marcin A Sowa
Henri M H Spronk
Robert F Storey
Chukiat Tantiwong
Alicia Veninga
Xueqing Wang
Steve P Watson
Jeff Weitz
Sacha S Zeerleder
Hugo Ten Cate